Today, some two decades ago with a keen foresight and vision, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon together with her late husband Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon founded the Women’s Federation for World Peace in order to proclaim the arrival of the Era of Women to usher into an era of lasting peace. Let us celebrate this day with all women and mothers worldwide who laid the foundation for it based on sacrifice and service. And let us build on this foundation now with our incoming younger generation of women leaders in that same spirit. In the words of the Founder “We must all push ahead in the conviction that no matter how wounded and scarred this world becomes, it can be healed and cleansed by the substantial work of women and mothers united in the vision of God’s true love.”“The Hope of Humanity comes from Mothers,” April 10, 2002, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
In deep gratitude,
Angelika Selle
President WFWP USA
National Chairwomen, Board and Staff