On September 8th the Women’ Federation for World Peace (WFWP) Austria, together with Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and the generous support of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) hosted a dinner for a delegation of Parliamentarians from Mali, Africa.
The delegation of 5 members of the Parliament of Transition and a lady secretary were attending the “5th World Conference on Speakers of Parliament” in the Vienna Austria Centre from 8-10 September 2021.
The dinner came about through cooperation of Mr Mamadou KONE, Honorary Consul and representative for the ‘Chamber of Commerce’ of Mali to Austria and neighbouring countries.
Ms Renate AMESBAUER, President of WFWP in Austria welcomed the guests and talked about the history of cooperation with Mr KONE at side events and conferences at the UN in Vienna. The common topic was the value of education and the importance of strengthening youth and women, to develop a healthy society in each nation.
Mr Peter HAIDER, President of UPF -Austria, also Director of “International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace in Europe and the Middle East” (IAPP EUME). (a suborganisation of UPF) introduced UPF and its founder, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. He explained the IAPP was founded in 2016 in Seoul, South Korea. He mentioned the summits, that took place in several cities around the world, culminating in Summit 2020 in Seoul in February 2020, just before the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Dr Maria RIEHL, Director of WFWPI UN Office Vienna, emphasized the importance of incentivizing the grassroots movement of women in spreading a culture of peace and friendship among different cultural and religious backgrounds. Women and youth need to be empowered through education. Dr RIEHL noted that one of the main issues of WFWPI, Vienna office, is prevention of crime and drug trafficking through education and empowerment.
Hon Mr Assorid Ag. IMBARCAQUANE, the 1st Vice President of the Transition Parliament

the welcome and mentioned that: “We are among friends here!” He is a parliamentarian with 30 years of experience! He introduced the other members of the delegation, each of them members of the transition committee. He shared about his experiences with Rev and Mrs Moon and in 1993, as a member of parliament. Mr IMBARACAQUANE became an Ambassador for Peace in 2010.The IAPP was also formed in Mali. 2014 and 2016 he accompanied his President to Korea. He is grateful that he could meet Rev. Moon and his wife, Dr Hak Ja Han Moon and also their daughter. He expressed utmost appreciation of the high values emphasized by Rev. Moon, especially valuing the family! “If there would be 20 Rev. Moons the world would be a different place, the world would be healed!” As soon as he arrives home, he will talk to his President and accelerate the relationship with WFWP and UPF to invite us all to Mali to start something like that during this transition time. He shared that in their parliament they all work together from all the different religious backgrounds- not the religion matters that someone belongs to, but what kind of person someone is!
Mr Hamidou TRARORE, another member of the transformation committee introduced himself as being especially involved in the field of social development, since 1976. He has close connections to France and was interested in the contact details of our organisations there.
Ms Oumon SANOGO, Secretary of the Parliament, underlined what Dr Riehl said before, namely the crucial role of women’s grassroots organizations. Indeed, she explained how the National Council of Transition in Mali provides inclusivity and women in Mali are involved in peace and reconciliation practices. Ms Oumon SANOGO emphasized that women are traditionally peacebuilders, although women are still not involved in many tasks. However, women are the main victims of conflict and for this reason they should be involved in the reconciliation process. WFWP was happy to connect the Parliament with Ms Diarra from WFWP – Mali.

Personal talks and sharing contact details concluded the evening; The delegation departed with gratitude for the hospitality!
Renate Amesbauer + Claudia Ditel + Lilly Gundacker