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Strengthening Resilience in Young People


Strengthening Resilience in Young People

Side Event at CND68- Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Dr. Maria RIEHL, Director, WFWP -UN-Vienna-Office welcomed everyone with a motherly heart.

The opening remarks were given by HE: Ms. Rana ABIDA, Minister

Plenipotentiary of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, who expressed her appreciation for this topic, being a mother herself! She expresses the concern of the growing menace of drug abuse that has a grave effect on our society and the family as its core. She highlights every effort of prevention, quoting: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of jewels. She cals on all stakeholders to work together to protect the youth!



Atty. Daryll Generyn MIGANO, Attache´ & Assistant, Permanent Mission of the Philippines emphasized the constructive cooperation with WFWP! (she mentioned several times!)

Quoting Ms Ghada WAly the executive director of UNODC, who mentions the rising danger and devastating effect of misuse of narcotic drugs, Ms. Migano compliments the topic chosen for this side-Event, highlighting substantive projects to counter this development.



Gwendoline TSHIMBANA, President WFWP South Africa introduced the “Mmangwana Literacy Project”. for children in primary education. Ms. Tshimbana and her team found out that through the COVID 19 lockdown the educational level had gone down remarkably.  So to support the learners has been their immediate response: They started a supplementary learning program, but at the same time providing a safe supportive space, where there was also time for creativity and sports. But also caring for teenagers in providing character education.


Su HONG, UNODC Associate Expert introduced: ‘Friends in Focus’, a new program, developed by the UNODC -PTRS Section (PREVENTION-TREATMENT-REHABILITASIN SECTION). UNODC puts an emphasise on evidence-based early prevention. One focus is strengthening the family-relationships.

But it also needs special programs for young people to educate and empower them to be active in Drug-prevention and protecting not only their own health, but also the well being of their peers.  For this purpose the program “FRIENDS IN FOCUS” has been developed. It strengthens young people to support (not exclusively) their peers and develop the strength to become gamechangers in their society.

Georg SCHWARZ introduced in impressive ways the ‘CENACOLO-project’, a  Rehabilitation program for persons with addiction which has been developed by a nun, Sr. Elvira. It offers to live in a community, doing practical work like gardening, farming, woodwork and  other activities. Living together with clear structure and tasks to fulfil enables individuals who had completely disconnected and lost the sense for real life to turn around and become healthy again! This process takes at least one year but many stay longer, starting to help the “newcomers”. This way they build a solid bases to lead a solid life, starting their own families… something that was almost unbelievable before they started on this journey. 



The last speaker of the day was Blessie Belle RAMOS, President of the regional chapter of international Association for World Peace -IAYSP Philippines. Ms. Ramos expanded spoke  about the way they educate youth: Through leadership seminars they encourage young people to a positive responsible lifestyle, enabling them to make informed decisions about their lives.

But the young people are also encouraged to take care of nature and to get involved in community projects.


Sulva JOSHI, LL:M Student in international law, at University Vienna, moderated the event with great intuition! Ms. Joshi has worked as a ‘Legal Aid Officer’ in her own country Nepal, related to Foreign Employment.

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