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„Bridges of Peace“- Slovenia – Austria – CroatiaForgiveness and Love is the way to Peace

„Bridges of Peace“- Slovenia – Austria – Croatia

Forgiveness and Love is the way to Peace

Saturday, 18. September 2021

On a cloudy day with some sunshine now and then, 18.September a group of around 50 persons met outside the “Peace Embassy”- Skofjica, Ljubljana under a tent, for the occasion of the opening of an exhibition: 100 years anniversary of the birth of Rev. Sun Myung MOON. The exhibition gave apowerful impression of the live for the sake of Peace of rev. S.M. Moon, from 1960 on accompanied by his Wife Dr. Hak Ja Han MOON.

The celebration was honoured with the presence of a representative of the local municipality.

Festive speeches were held by the representatives of UPF(Universal Peace Federation ) from the host country but also Austria and Croatia. The president of UPF of Central Europe Region, Dr. Diether Schmidt together with his Wife Ana Schmidt talked to the audience.

Everyone got a tour through the exhibition in the suitable language!

Coffee and snacks gave the opportunity to joyfully talking to each other.

A delegation of 10 p. joined from Croatia, a couple came from Italy and also Autria was present with a large group from Carinthia and two representatives from Vienna.

Alltogehter representatives of around 16 nations were present!

From there a trip was started, first to the birthplace of Primoz TRUBAR, Velike Lašče. Primož Trubar is one of the most important person in Slovene History: Reformer, theologian, priest and writer. He was born in 1508 and wrote his first book in the Slovene language “Abecedarium in katekizem”. He was a leading Slovenian protestant writer and one of the “founders” of the Slovenian nation and the founder of the Slovene literary language and the grammar. There was also the chance to visit an old corn Mill- driven with the water of a small river, it is a museum, not working any longer!

After again driving through the beautiful and peaceful wooden scenery of Slovenia, (and enjoying a rich and tasty lunch) , we arrived in Kocevje, the event place for the “Bridge of Peace” event.The audience was greeted by the presidents of each of the nations: For Slovenia: Ms.Sonja Grcar (president of WFWP Slovenia) gave a heartfelt welcome and shared how important she feels such conferences and ceremonies are t overcome the national borders, often loaded with resentments and aversitiy, and therefore disregarding each other!

Mrs. Ji Sook Baek- Thomas , representing WFWP Croatia, but coming originally from

Korea, explained about the great and efforts of the Co- founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon for the peaceful unification of N- and South Korea, as this involves all the great powerful Nations in the World (USA, China, Russia…); this is an ongoing initiative, that had been started by the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon already 1991, 30 years ago, when the couple payed a visit to the big leader Kim Il Sung. At that occasion Rev. Moon could start some cooperation with Mr. Kim and investments, that eventually helped the N-Korean People.

Words of greeting also came from high level guests, Mr. Gregor KOVIC, the Vice Mayor of Kocevje: He greatly welcomed this initiative of the WFWP -Slovenia, as he said the youth dioes not valiúe Peace anymore, they did not experience war themselves. This is a worrying fact, as they too easily now start `wars with word`- talking to each other in ways thát are disrespectful, and painful to listen to! There fore he highly welcomes any initiative or project that offers alternatives, to counter this development!

HE: Mr. Boris Grigic former ambassador of Croatia to Slovenia also highlighted the value of such an event, on the background that the history of Europe through centuries is marked by conflicts and wars causing suffering and pain, leaving also emotional scars and bruises. He was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Davorca Bosiz Grigic. They later participated in the ceremony as well!

Mrs. Renate Amesbauer the explained the “Bridge of Peace”, as a new “social Technology” to heal past wounds of conflict and war. (It has been presented as an official paper at the “10th Commission on Crime Prevention”, in 2000, UN Vienna).

Mrs. Amesbauer emphasised certain points: `A cease-fire alone is not enough to create lasting peace.

When emotions of hate and resentment are not restored, they are the source of conflict or even wars in the future.

Fifty years after the end of World War II the Women's Federation for World Peace was asked by its founders: Rev. Sun Mung Moon and Dr. Haka Ja Han Moon to start crossing the borders of resentment and even hate between countries that have been at war – or suppressed one another - in the past. A unique initiative has been launched- called the “Sisterhood Movement” or “Bridge of Peace” to end the resentments and hate that has been accumulated during historical conflicts.

Some key elements were mentioned, that are important in such a process of reconciliation, such as taking on responsibility for the future, respect for the other, also regret and renewal and to make a strong commitment to actively invest in a future of peace!`

Than the audience was invited to come to the stage in two lines- single persons (who came here by themselves) and then those who came as couples: So pairs of new “sisters”/”Brothers” and pairs of couples were founded- and applauded with great joy!

A cultural program contributed to an atmosphere of new hope and happiness and created the feeling in many- a world of peace should be possible after all!

The whole program has been very professionally guided by Ms. Kristinka Bakovnik, WFWP Slov. Vice President, and translated by Vida Daji Kmetec.

Thanks goes to the Ladies of WFWP Slovenia, supported by UPF and FamilyFed. Slovenia, for this great event, that braught together the hearts and minds of 3(4) Nations: Slovenia- Austria- Croatia (+ Germany) in the presence of natives of 16 different countries.

Thank you very much!

(Report by Renate Amesbauer)

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