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“The World is Yearning for Feminine Character”


3 Country Conference in Budapest, April 20th – 21st , 2024;

On a rainy Saturday (luckily it stopped later!) almost 60 women entered the city of Budapest, arriving at different train stations from the neighbouring countries Austria + Slovakia. This was the 3. occasion of a friendship meeting between the 3 neighbour countries: Hungary, Austria and Slovakia.

Each group was picked up by our kind Hungarian colleagues, which has been a great


Soon after a tasty lunch the conference started. A room was filled up by around 100 women and several men (who surely felt very courageous to be among such acrowd of women);

More than 1/3 where local ladies and men.

The conference title was:

“The World is Yearning for Feminine Character”

It started with welcoming remarks of the host:  Mrs. KatsuyoBendzsa, President WFWP Hungary.

Mrs. Mitty Thoma, President of WFWP Europe, greeted the audience as well and shared her appreciation about the effort made for such a conference and friendship among three neighbouring countries!

She briefly explained about some of the European WFWP events – such as the conference in Kosovo –“No Peace without Women”, the European Annual conference in Cyprus, both attended by the first ladies of the country and our project Bridge of Peace.

Renate Amesbauer, President of WFWP Austria, expressed her gratitude for being welcomed in Budapest together with a very diverse groupof participants(around 15 nations of origin) all of them now living in Austria.

Mrs. Amesbauer gave overview about WFWP Activities at UN Vienna, and the increasing opportunities to interact with representatives of other NGOs and Government representatives.

The theme of 1stsession was: Character-Education

Mrs. Gabriella PapneDancso), Speech Therapist and WFWP representative in Szeged,

Hungary. In her Speech “To be a Woman…” she talked about the necessity of women (and men) to understand stereotypes, the way that the role of women is traditionally determined and work ones way through to find and develop our real inner self, our original identity. This is not an easy process for the individual, but then also the society needs to go through some transformation.

Mr. Josef Gundacker, Founder of “FAMILYFORUM” Austria, spoke about “Principles of

True Love and Sexuality”. In his speech Mr. Gundacker shed light on the “Modern Type Sexual Education” that is pushed in many countries at schools and Kindergartens, and the dangers that go with it. He clearly described how the beautiful power of Love contributes to fulfilment when placed in the dedicated, reliable relationship of a couple, but leads to confusion and chaos if used out of this context.

PaedDr. et Mgr.Renata Ocilkova, Chairman of the “Slovak Society for the Family”, author of the book “The Truth to the Youth”.

She introduced her lectures which are usually presented to teenage students and their teachers at school and deal with the topic of the identity of men and women. We live in the time when young people are confused about their identity as boys and girls, which is unfortunately pushed and supported by social media, gender ideologies and even some doctors and psychologists. She pointed out at natural differences between male and female and clearly explained the danger of making the   decision to change one´s gender at young age, including irreversible body changes! She explained the role of parents and teachers to support and guide teenagers in this sensitive life period.

Before the second session we could enjoy a beautiful piano performance offered by a young pianist from Japan, Ms Chuyoung Song who studies at the Liszt Academy of Music in Hungary.

Session 2 was about The Women`s Role in Building a Peaceful Society”

PhDr.AnnaGalovicova, Chairman of the Slovak- Indian Friendship Society, Chairman of Slovak Anti Poverty Network, Executive Coordinator of the European Anti Poverty Network in Brussels

Her lecture was evolving around the old Vedic wisdom “One World, One Family” which beautifully describes that all people on the Earth are interconnected like branches of one tree. She mentioned that in the G20 Summit in 2023, the Indian Prime Minister Modi introduced this idea as the motto of the whole Summit.

She informed about the new educational program for universities named “Science of Spirituality”which was created in cooperation of Indian universities and the Indian government and is currently introduced at three universities in Slovakia. This syllabus is meant to complement current academic curriculum with spiritual insight leading to inner peace, values and purpose of being. The University of Trnava in Slovakia plans to implement this new two year program in the near future. It will be also offered to young adults and seniors in the future.

Mr. Tibor Darnoi, Doctor of Holistic Medcine, President of Yotengrit Foundation, Ambassador of Peace of WFWP Hungary. The title of his speech was “Elevated Feminine Quality”.

Human existence today is ordered in a hierarchy of subordination and superiority, in which the Feminine qualities not in its rightful place. Yet, according to ancient Hungarian philosophy, "Woman is the beginning, Woman is the first God, the primal force, the creator and mediator of the Word."

Our world is therefore "one-sided", and as long as it remains so, there is no chance for change.

The key to the transformation of humanity's consciousness and its elevation to a higher level is that the feminine quality- representing the harmony – has to get to its place, which can only be achieved in a side by side system between man and woman.

The ancient Hungarian philosophy summarized in the Yotengrit books shows us the way to get there. Its central energy is love, which opens the door to the female-male forces which are working and creating in unity.

Mag. Elisabeth Cook, Former President of WFWP Hungary, gave speech about “Dr. Hak Ja Han, an extraordinary Woman of our Time- Mother of Peace”.

Mrs. Cook led through the Life of Dr. Hak Ja HAN, describing her parents and grandparents, all of them where dedicated Christians. Her father was ateacher and invested all his heart in education ofchildren and youth.

As a very young child Dr.Han had to flee from the then communist North-Korea, together with her mother and grandmother on a dangerous trail to the south, with thousands of other refugees.

All her school years were marked by the unstable life of a refugee family. (Nevertheless under the protection of her mother and grandmother she deepened her faith and realization of Heavenly Father as being her own father)

Having experienced the miseries and suffering of war herself, strengthened the desire in her to invest herself for Peace in this World , with whatever it takes. Together with her late husband, Dr. Sun Myung Moon she initiated and led countless initiatives not only for Peace, but also for  prosperityand well being of the people around her. She founded  projects aimed to counter hunger and poverty. To found the “Women’s Federation of World Peace” with its numerous projects in the area of education, strengthening women, etc. was a cornerstone on that way! 

The conference was professionally moderated by Mrs. Timea Viragh!

On the whole the audience included people from more than 22 national backgrounds.

After the conference we went to a traditional Hungarian Restaurant with performances of typical Hungarian music and dance! This was highly appreciated by the foreign guests!

After the dinner we celebrated the 32nd anniversary of WFWP with a beautiful and delicious cake made by Mary Jane Zahora. We also enjoyed the Slovak traditional song offered by Alexander Magnusson and Laurenc Klas - two young singers from Slovakia and at the end many ladies joyfully joined the traditional Iranian dance performed in traditional Iranian costume by Parisa Nagy a lady originally from Iran.

Next day after a rather early breakfast, we started a sightseeing tour in Budapest city. It was well organised and took us through to the beautiful parts of the city to famous buildings and monuments! In contrary to all weather forecasts the sun was shining all the time!

A nice lunch waited for us at the hotel. The afternoon gave some time for talks and individual excursions, before everybody went back to their homes.

Everyone got home safely!

All participants were leaving with rich experiences and happy memories of this wonderful time spent together in Budapest. A big thank to all organisers, speakers, performers and also participants who contributed to the amazing atmosphere of this event! We are looking forward to our next meeting.

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