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Prevention of involuntary Migration through Qualityeducation and Empowerment of Women and Youth

10th Session of the Conference of the Parties

United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime- UNTOC, UN Vienna,

Side Event- virtual , 13. October 2020

The thematic discussion is on the subject of

"Effective measures to prevent and counter the smuggling of migrants, while protecting the rights of smuggled migrants, particularly women and children, and those of unaccompanied migrant children".

The question of emigration / immigration being voluntary or non -voluntary is linked to political, social and economic considerations. To address this heated problematic there are needs for deeper analysis of the situation at different level; national (institutions and the question of governance) and international (the relations between industrialised nations and developing countries. Besides, it is obvious that many educational systems are not centred on the need of the target population in terms of professional and vocational training. This is a current problematic that increases the numbers of jobless people among the women and young people and accordingly urging them for immigration.

This presentation analyses some aspects of immigration along with focus on fundamental causes and finally provides some tentative solutions that might help to address the issue.


Dr. Maria RIEHL, WFWPI UN Office -Vienna/Austria, Opening

H.E. Ms. Oumou SALL SECK, Ambassador of the Republic of Mali, Welcoming remarks

Mamadou Kone, M.E.S., Hon. Consul of Mali to Austria:”Quality Education in response to local needs” Keynote speech

Christophe Dupont BAGGIO, Historian and European studies graduate from FH Burgenland, University of Applied Sciences. “European Union and African Cooperation”

Ms. Mariam Sylla, Mr. Bourama Doumbia, Open University, Bamako/Mali, “Urgent needs of the young for Economic and Social Development”

Ms. Catherin DIARRA, President of WFWP - Mali: Educational program of WFWP Mali •

Closing: Renate Amesbauer, President WFWP Austria

Organizers: Women´s Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI) HE. Mr. Mamadou Kone, M.E.S., Hon. Consul of Mali to Austria, Co-founder and Executive officer of “Klumpfussprojekt MALI”, Founder UPB: (OPEN UNIVERSITY), Mali

The you tube link for the recording:

Summary Report


Dr. Maria Riehl, Director of WFWP, UN Vienna Office, presented the opening remarks. She first emphasised that WFWP supports the goals of UNTOC through preventative measures by raising awareness of basic core values and promoting character education for children and Youth.

Dr. Riehl referred to the 1600 Japanese WFWP members who left their homes 26 years ago to travel to 160 nations to share core values and invest in the lives of local women to create bridges of peace and educational projects, many of which still exist today. This was an initiative of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder of WFWPI and her late husband Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. The WFWP mission statement supports the dignity of women as representatives of the feminine aspect of the Universe, as wives, co-partners, co-workers, and mothers. Thus, they created ‘Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation’ ceremonies between former enemy countries, but just as important between the ethnical, religious communities, that live side by side within a nation, and are often in conflict with each other!

Current WFWP activities are focusing on the SGD oriented topic to protect planet Earth for humankind to live in peace and harmony. These activities have brought Dr Riehl into contact with many value-oriented people from civil society and other organisations.

This conference has been organised in cooperation with HE Mr Mamadou Kone to present the results of their analysis of educational systems and to offer solutions regarding the educational needs of the target populations in African countries.

Dr Riehl concluded her remarks by thanking all who made the event possible.


H.E. Ms. Oumou Sall Seck, Ambassador of the Republic of Mali to Germany, Austria and other countries. She is active for the cause of social and personal development of people in her country. She studied Development Politics at the University of Bamako, and International Law at the International Institute of Human Rights, France.

H.E. Ms. Oumou Sall Seck views the conference topic as a priority issue due to the increasing numbers fleeing insecurity caused by armed conflicts, extreme poverty and climatic conditions in search of better living conditions.

Referring to Mali, she stated that it is confronted regularly with young people who risk crossing the desert to reach coastal countries to find work. She highlighted some major areas of Malian policy aimed at preventing illegal immigration by creating conditions to support young people who will contribute to the future development of the country.

She then elaborated on steps that have been taken both institutionally and legislatively. Institutionally, a ministry was created to collaborate with federal associations of Malians abroad, and the Higher Council of diaspora in the context of Malian migration. Legislatively, major sectoral policies and agreements were created, which led to the adoption of the National Migration Policy (PONAM) in 2014 with a substantial budget, part of which is dedicated to the link between migration and development. Mali is the second country in Africa (after Nigeria) to have such a legal arsenal. The PONAM raises awareness among potential candidates for migration in the starting areas and the risks and dangers of irregular migration. A further Act (in 2012) fights against human trafficking and related practices. According to Her Excellency, Mali is both institutionally and legislatively supporting youth initiatives and women's empowerment.

However, she acknowledged that this political will is now faced with difficult security and socio-political challenges and insufficient resources and thus appealed to technical and financial partners in the field of migration to support countries with high rates of emigration. She concluded by thanking the organizers for the great initiative of this video conference and all participants.


Mamadou Kone, M.E.S., Hon. Consul of Mali to Austria

Consultant, international relation

(Education, health and human rights)

Mr. Mamadou Kone, commenced his address by greeting and thanking all participants.

He stated that while migration has multiple aspects, he would focus on two areas:

  • nationally, the educational needs of young people

  • internationally, win-win-cooperation between the North and South.

He highlighted the need for educational systems in Africa to offer the necessary vocational training to the target population to reduce the rate of youth unemployment, and resultingly, the number of economic migrants to Europe. Furthermore, he urged that quality targeted professional and vocational education be at the centre of development policies.

He focused on the educational needs in Mali as a case in point. Training in mining, agriculture, livestock or fishing management, IT skills, handicraft skills would generate more jobs, increase labour productivity and provide expertise in a specific trade. The promotion of entrepreneurial skills resulting in start-ups and small businesses would tackle unemployment directly and migration indirectly.

The international aspect he referred to was the establishment of win-win cooperation between the countries of the North and South, which he believes requires the urgent transformation of Fair Trade with African countries that have not benefited from the sale of raw materials or other natural resources. Fair Cooperation and Transfer of Knowledge, e.g. in technology, for sustainable development can address the questions of migration in a credible manner.

In conclusion, he suggested that the conference recommendations should serve as guidelines for the United Nations and other partners such as the European Union and African Union.


EU migration strategies, state of play, challenges and prospects

Christophe Dupont-Baggio, University of Applied Sciences FH Burgenland, Department of European Studies, Austria.

Mr Baggio stated that migration has been a central issue for the EU, particularly since 2015 when weaknesses in the common European policy on migration emerged, causing tensions within the EU. He indicated the need for a common asylum policy and external border control.

He offered his observations on the EU migration strategy, its challenges and perspectives.

Since the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the EU defines the conditions of entry and residence for legal migrants, encourages Member States to take integration measures, and aims to prevent and reduce irregular migration. Each Member State can, unilaterally, choose a desired number of "economic" migrants.

The EU now controls its borders to third countries, which can be problematic diplomatically when migrants are used as a means of pressure during international negotiations (Turkey), and humanely where thousands of lives are sometimes threatened by local authorities (Libya). He does not view this as a long-term solution.

Furthermore, the EU has frequently shifted its migration policy strategies from a security-conscious approach to a more comprehensive one. He referred to the activities of the Frontex agency (border police, intelligence and control workers), against people smugglers.

Mr Baggio highlighted the EU’s engagement in bilateral dialogue with African partners regarding the readmission of illegal nationals to their country of origin, including integration and support.

However, he believes there is a lack of knowledge and understanding of Africa and concluded that the EU must create trust in order to build sustainable policies based on bilateralism while simultaneously understanding the complex nature of each partner.


Mariam Amty Sylla, Trainer, Founding Member of the association that supports leadership at the Université Populaire de Bamako, is committed to education and women's empowerment. She promotes the preservation of the ecosystem and quality education for youth and is also a gender, developmentand women'sleadership trainer inrural areas.

Ms. Sylla explained that although Mali has many development programs to fight poverty and youth unemployment, young people are discouraged by mismanagement due to bad governance and corruption and still want to emigrate. She thus expressed the need to establish relations between industrialized and developing countries. Her suggestions were presented under four headings.

A. Adaptability of education: The system needs to adapt to the employment needs of the target population in terms of vocational training and modern technical education to prepare for future-oriented professions.

B. Community level activities: Mayors should create economic activities to integrate employable youth into their campaigns

C. Tourism: This sector should be expanded and revitalized in areas outside the north of the country (Mopti).

D. Ecosystem: The environment needs protection as increased rural poverty is appearing due to environmental degradation. This particularly affects women who had supported their family through harvesting such products as shea butter, soumbala, cashews, dried fish. The women need re-training but the high illiteracy rate presents obstacles.


Bourama Doumbia, Secretary for External Relations of the RJPPM (Youth Network of Young Political Parties of Mali). and Founding Member of the UPB (Bamako People's University).

Mr. Bourama Doumbia’s intervention program focuses on the needs of the youth. He is committed to quality education for young people

He lists climate change with its impact on agriculture, low incomes, local conflicts, and a search for a better life as the main reasons for emigration among African youth.

He offers practical solutions, such as training and financial support for youth in entrepreneurship and agribusiness; in BTP (Economic Sector of Building and Public Works); education in craft-culture activities and managing startups and technological innovations.

He stated many Africans are active in agriculture and crafts, but investment is needed to absorb youth unemployment to create sustained economic growth and a better future.


Catherine Diarra, President of WFWP Mali, Maths & Science Teacher in Middle School; Mother of seven children and grandmother of 4 grandsons; Mrs. Diarra has been active with WFWP – Mali chapter, and its president since 2000.

Ms Diarra commenced her address by greeting the speakers and guests and expressing her thanks for the invitation to participate. She then described the work of WFWP (FFPM) Mali, whose focus lies in educational programs for youth and women to promote peace and social cohesion.

Ms Diarra elaborated further on projects carried out over the last 25 years. These include character education in schools to promote the practice of moral and ethical values, healthy lifestyle, and the prevention of HIV/AIDS, STDs, and the spread of viruses. Women's leadership training programs provide education on a culture of peace in the family, marital harmony and true family values. Women are encouraged to be peacemakers in the family and community. Over 2,000 students from more than 20 schools have completed the educational programs. More than 3000 women have signed up as participants in the Mothers for Peace network. Ms. Diarra concluded her talk with a slide show of various activities undertaken by WFWP Mali.


Closing words by Renate Amesbauer, WFWP Austria president: Mrs Amesbauer once more thanked everyone of the speakers for the support of the event; especially she thanked Her Excellency the Ambassador Ms. Oumou Sall Seck, for her inspiring and encouraging words, and that she took the time to be with us throughout the event!

Mrs. Amesbauer thanked all the listeners, coming from over 30 nationalities including 22 African nations, so that together we can spread the inspiration and new ways of cooperation may develop!

A special Thanks goes to His Excellency Mr. Mamadou Kone, who has been the active partner of WFWP UN Office Vienna in the preparations of this event!

Thank You all! May God´s Blessing and guidance be with you and all of us in the future steps that will be taken!

The you tube link for the recording:

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