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ÖFFW – Jahresversammlung

On Saturday, 22nd June 2013, the Austrian Chapter of the Women’s Federation for World Peace International met for its annual general meeting in Vienna.

Members attended from the city of Vienna and from the provinces, including Carinthia (Klagenfurt), Upper Austria (Linz) and Lower Austria (Krems). After a welcome and introduction, Sigrid Lechner introduced herself and her consultancy work as a therapist and counsellor. Her topic was: “Leave the everyday grind behind”. She referred to Richard Cohen who came to Austria twenty years ago and introduced some of us to his healing therapy. After a short break Elizabeth Riedl talked about the UN activities and Advocacy work in Vienna and internationally.

This was followed by reports from local chapters, Vienna and Linz. After the coffee break Dr. Schantu Watt gave a reflection on her experience at the Bridge of Peace to Dachau with Slovenian and German members.

Lilly Gundacker gave some insights into working at the United Nations and after lunch Yoshiko Pammer talked about her meeting with young married women and purposely NOT using the label of Women’s Federation to inspire a new awareness and consciousness.

The lunch was served for everyone including Sigrid Lechner’s group which met in the other rooms. Then the official Annual General Meeting took place when the treasurer presented the financial report. Dr. Maria Riehl came from the Slovakian Women’s Federation for World Peace meeting and had news and gifts and greetings from our sisters across the border.

A Board of Advisors was proposed and accepted and advisors immediately recommended.

The next activity is the UN event on July first: “Is prison an answer?”

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